Abstract:A new small Discostella (Bacillariophyceae), D. tatrica Procházková, houk et Nedbalová sp. nov., from lakes of the High Tatra Mountains (Slovakia/Poland, Europe) is described here on the basis of light and electron microscopy. This species is reminiscent of D. guslyakowyi GeNkal, boNdareNko et PoPovskaya and D. stelligeroides (hustedt) houk et klee. However, it differs from D. guslyakowyi in having alveolae in the central parts, and from D. stelligeroides in the possibility of having an incomplete stellate pattern in its convex central parts and possessing an alveolus in its concave central parts. The valve morphology and ultrastructure is documented here in light and electron microscope images, and it is discussed, as well as its ecology, with these of other similar Discostella taxa.