DOI: 10.1016/1041-6080(90)90004-z
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Planning ability and cognitive performance: The compensatory effects of a dynamic assessment approach

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Cited by 49 publications
(33 citation statements)
References 16 publications
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“…The third approach holds that plans are formulated on the basis of general rules, principles, or procedures (e.g., Cormier, Carlson, & Das, 1990;Xiao et al, 1997). In fact, the evidence compiled by C. R. Berger and Jordan (1992) tends to argue for use of a case-based approach in understanding how knowledge is applied in planning.…”
Section: Knowledgementioning
confidence: 99%
“…The third approach holds that plans are formulated on the basis of general rules, principles, or procedures (e.g., Cormier, Carlson, & Das, 1990;Xiao et al, 1997). In fact, the evidence compiled by C. R. Berger and Jordan (1992) tends to argue for use of a case-based approach in understanding how knowledge is applied in planning.…”
Section: Knowledgementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Segundo, amplía el concepto de "reflexión compartida" propuesto por Fidalgo et al (2015) hacia una concepción más amplia en donde se trabaja la reflexión sobre la acción, sobre las estrategias y su posterior interiorización, para llegar hacia una conciencia metacognitiva y un control deliberado de la estrategia. Tercero, amplía el ámbito de intervención en la facilitación de la planificación propuesta por Cormier, Carlson, y Das (1990); Kar, Dash, Das, y Carlson (1993) ;Naglieri y Gottling, (1995; Naglieri y Johnson, (2000), Haddad (2000); Haddad et al, (2003) e Iseman y Naglieri ( 2011), centrándose en la mejora de las habilidades relacionadas con la escritura. Se facilita la reflexión sobre lo que el sujeto escribe, para la generación de conocimiento y control escritor y como vía para la explicación de la transferencia a la que llegan los alumnos mediante la facilitación de las tareas que demandan actividad estratégica.…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
“…Mediante esta técnica se estructuró un programa de intervención en escritura en el que el profesor asume el rol de facilitador de procesos o mediador, alentando a los alumnos a verbalizar sus pensamientos acerca de las estrategias que utilizaron para resolver tareas. Este sistema fue utilizado en anteriores estudios por Cormier, Carlson, y Das (1990), Kar, Dash, Das, y Carlson (1993); Naglieri y Gottling, (1995; Naglieri y Johnson, (2000), Haddad (2000); Haddad et al, (2003) e Iseman y Naglieri( 2011) para la mejora de habilidades matemáticas y lectoras de los alumnos. Su esencia radica en las preguntas que el profesor le hace al sujeto acerca de la manera en que ha realizado su trabajo, animándole a verbalizar sus pensamientos acerca de las estrategias que utilizó y no sobre los resultados obtenidos.…”
“…A series of research studies has been conducted which indicates that children who are poor in Planning can be taught to be better at planning when they complete academic tasks and that facilitating the strategic completion of classroom work positively impacts academic performance. This line of research began with the work of Cormier, Carlson, and Das (1990) and Kar, Dash, Das, and Carlson (1992), and was extended by Gottling (1995, 1997) and Naglieri and Johnson (2000), who demonstrated that learning disabled children improved in math calculation when they were taught to be more strategic. Taken as a whole, these studies suggest that children who are poor in planning and poor in math calculation improved considerably when provided an intervention that helped them to better use their planning processes and to be less impulsive and more thoughtful and reflective when completing academic work.…”
Section: Implications For Interventionmentioning
confidence: 97%
“…These intervention studies focused on the concept that children can be encouraged to plan better when they complete academic tasks and that the facilitation of plans positively impacts academic performance. The initial concept for Planning Strategy Instruction was based on the work of Cormier, Carlson and Das (1990) and Kar, Dash, Das, and Carlson (1992). These authors taught children to discover the value of strategy use without being specifically instructed to do so.…”
Section: Planning Strategy Instructionmentioning
confidence: 99%