“…An alternativesourcemaybe the thermalconversionof oil to gas as proposedby Gronau (1977).However, if Grunau's (1977) mechanism is correct, the composition of the gas might be expected to change due to an increase in temperature if thermal cracking occurred much below 5300 m with hydrocarbons beginning to be replaced by~S, CO 2 , and N 2 • This does not appear to be the casefor the Khuff gas in the Arabian Gulf region, whose analytical results were publishedby Janahi and Mirza (1991), Bos (1989), Kasnick and Engen (1989) and El Bishlawy (1985). They show in general that methane, the principalgas, amounts to as much as 89% of the total gas content,with smallamountsof carbon dioxide, nitrogen,and heavier hydrocarbon compounds.…”