Soil microorganisms interact with plants in diversified manner ranging from mobilising nutrients and enhancing their growth, to inducing diseases. They also produce allelochemicals directly or indirectly through conversion from other compounds. In order to hamper plant growth, allelochemicals must accumulate and persist at phytotoxic levels in the rhizosphere soil. However, after their entry into environment, persistence, availability and biological activities of allelochemicals are influenced by microorganisms. Transformation of allelochemicals by soil microbes may result into the compounds with modified biological properties. Such bio-transformations affect the overall allelopathic capability of the producer plant in a direct manner. Several reports describe the allelopathic significance of microbial metabolism products. For instance, a bacterium Actinetobacter calcoaceticus, can convert 2(3H)-benzoxazolinone (BOA) to 2,2´-oxo-l,l´-azobenzene (AZOB) which is more inhibitory to some plants. On the contrary, bacterium Pseudomonas putida catabolises juglone in soils beneath walnut trees; otherwise, juglone accumulates at phytotoxic levels. This review article describes the nature of microbially produced allelochemicals, and the ways to mediate microbial degradation of putative allelochemicals. The given information develops an understanding of persistence, fate and phytotoxicity of allelochemicals in the natural environment, and also points out the possible solution of the problems due to microbial interventions in the soil.