1.Dryland riparian zones have steep spatial gradients of soil moisture and flood disturbance, and the component hydrogeomorphic surfaces support hydric to xeric plant species. These systems undergo extremes of flood and drought, a dynamic that may select for persistent soil seed banks. We asked if reliance on this strategy differed among plants in three moisture groups (hydric, mesic and xeric), and if patterns were related to diaspore traits.
2.We assessed the composition of soil and litter seed banks (emergence method) and extant vegetation along a riparian hydrogradient, and measured seed persistence (using an indirect method) and diaspore mass and shape variance of the component species. 3. Hydroriparian species had smaller diaspores than xeroriparian species, corresponding to differences in selective pressures on seedlings in their respective habitats, but the two groups formed persistent seed banks at approximately equal percentages. Persistent seeds were smaller than transient seeds, but within the persistent seed group there was separation between the smaller-diaspored hydrophytes and larger-diaspored xerophytes. 4. Distribution patterns of extant vegetation, in concert with diaspore trait differences among moisture-affinity groups, gave rise to divergent spatial patterns of diaspores within the soil: hydroriparian diaspores were abundant not only along wet channel bars but also in deep soils under floodplain forests and shrublands, presumably owing to dispersal by flood waters. Xeroriparian diaspores were largely restricted to the litter and upper soil layers of their drier, higher, floodplain habitats. With increasing depth in the soil of floodplain forests and shrublands, viable diaspores became smaller and rounder, and plant composition shifted from xeroriparian to hydroriparian species. 5. The wide distribution of hydroriparian diaspores in floodplain soils influences disturbance dynamics, increasing the probability that ephemeral wetland communities will develop wherever suitable conditions are stochastically created by floods. Persistent seed banks also allow many xeric annuals to be maintained in dryland riparian zones throughout extended drought, similar to processes that occur in desert uplands.