In this paper a coordinated master control for a solid fuel power plant has been developed and the performance evaluated in terms of tracking capability, stability and robustness. The control strategy has been model-based predictive control (MPC) and it was evaluated on a nonlinear process model of the Vattenfall power plant Idbäcken in Nyköping, Sweden. The developed master MPC with gain scheduling has better performance compared to the existing PID controller which has been thoroughly studied and tuned in a previous project. The robustness of the proposed master MPC controller against common disturbances and parameter variation has been investigated and it shows that the proposed controller is more robust than the existing PID controller.Key words: Master Predictive Control, Solid fuel power plant, Gain scheduling.Nadre eno modelsko upravljanje elektranom. U ovome radu razvijeno je koordinirano nadre eno upravljanje za elektrane na kruta goriva te su provjereni pokazatelji kvalitete u smislu praćenja, stabilnosti i robustnosti. Koristi se modelsko prediktivno upravljanje koje je provjereno na nelinearnom modelu procesa Vattenfall elektrane Idbäcken u Nyköping, Švedska. Razvijeni nadre eni MPC s prekapčanjem ima bolje performanse u usporedbni s PID regulatorom koji je bio temeljito proučen i podešen u prijašnjem projektu. Istražena je robustnost predloženog nadre enog MPC-a u odnosu na šum i promjene parametara. Pokazuje se da je predloženi regulator robustniji od postojećeg PID regulatora.Ključne riječi: nadre eno prediktivno upravljanje, elektrane na kruta goriva, upravljanje s prekapčanjem