Klebsiella pneumoniae is presently unique among bacterial species in its ability to metabolize not only sucrose but also its five linkage-isomeric ␣-D-glucosyl-D-fructoses: trehalulose, turanose, maltulose, leucrose, and palatinose. Growth on the isomeric compounds induced a protein of molecular mass ϳ 50 kDa that was not present in sucrose-grown cells and which we have identified as an NAD ؉ and metal ion-dependent 6-phospho-␣-glucosidase (AglB). The aglB gene has been cloned and sequenced, and AglB (M r ؍ 49,256) has been purified from a high expression system using the chromogenic p-nitrophenyl ␣-glucopyranoside 6-phosphate as substrate. Phospho-␣-glucosidase catalyzed the hydrolysis of a wide variety of 6-phospho-␣-glucosides including maltose-6-phosphate, maltitol-6-phosphate, isomaltose-6-phosphate, and all five 6-phosphorylated isomers of sucrose (K m ϳ 1-5 mM) yet did not hydrolyze sucrose-6-phosphate. By contrast, purified sucrose-6-phosphate hydrolase (M r ϳ 53,000) hydrolyzed only sucrose-6-phosphate (K m ϳ 80 M). Differences in molecular shape and lipophilicity potential between sucrose and its isomers may be important determinants for substrate discrimination by the two phosphoglucosyl hydrolases. Phospho-␣-glucosidase and sucrose-6-phosphate hydrolase exhibit no significant homology, and by sequence-based alignment, the two enzymes are assigned to Families 4 and 32, respectively, of the glycosyl hydrolase superfamily. The phospho-␣-glucosidase gene (aglB) lies adjacent to a second gene (aglA), which encodes an EII(CB) component of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar: phosphotransferase system. We suggest that the products of the two genes facilitate the phosphorylative translocation and subsequent hydrolysis of the five ␣-Dglucosyl-D-fructoses by K. pneumoniae.The discovery in 1964 of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar:phosphotransferase system (PEP:PTS) 1 by Roseman and colleagues (1) is a landmark in our understanding of carbohydrate dissimilation by microorganisms. Since the initial description of this multi-component system in Escherichia coli, the PEP:PTS has been established as the primary route for the transport and concomitant phosphorylation of a wide variety of sugars by bacteria from both Gram-negative (2, 3) and Grampositive genera (4, 5). In many species, including Bacillus subtilis, Lactococcus lactis, Streptococcus mutans, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae (6, 7), sucrose is accumulated via the PTS simultaneously with phosphorylation at C-6 of the glucopyranosyl moiety of the disaccharide. Intracellularly, sucrose-6-phosphate (sucrose-6-P) is hydrolyzed by sucrose-6-phosphate hydrolase (8, 9) to glucose-6-phosphate and fructose, which are then fermented via the glycolytic pathway to yield primarily lactic acid.The structures of sucrose, its five isomeric ␣-D-glucosyl-Dfructoses (trivially designated trehalulose, turanose, maltulose, leucrose, and palatinose), and some related ␣-linked disaccharides are depicted in Fig. 1. In contrast to the many reports of sucros...