The first laboratory confirmation of stochastic growth theory is reported. Floating potential fluctuations are measured in a vacuum arc centrifuge using a Langmuir probe. Statistical analysis of the energy density reveals a lognormal distribution over roughly 2 orders of magnitude, with a high-field nonlinear cutoff whose spatial dependence is consistent with the predicted eigenmode profile. These results are consistent with stochastic growth and nonlinear saturation of a spatially extended eigenmode, the first evidence for stochastic growth of an extended structure. Statistical plasma theories, such as stochastic growth theory [1,2] (SGT) and self-organized criticality (SOC) [3,4], have enjoyed wide success in describing nonuniform fluctuations in complex systems. In particular, complex initial and/or boundary conditions, sources, and sinks of energy, and nonlinear evolution can lead to a highly nonuniform plasma structure in a state of dynamical equilibrium. In these systems, textbook models of wave growth that assume simply structured initial conditions offer little insight into emergent properties such as marginal stability. In contrast, statistical plasma theories connect the salient features of the wave physics to characteristic distributions of wave properties. For example, in SGT a randomly varying wave growth rate leads to a lognormal distribution, in SOC ''sandpile avalanche'' type behavior yields scalefree power-law distributions, while Gaussians are expected in many contexts. SGT has wide applicability [5,6] including type III solar radio bursts [5], magnetospheric Langmuir, beam and z-mode waves [7], and pulsar emissions [8], plus a range of quasilinear, particle-in-cell, and other simulations [6]. Evidence for other statistical plasma theories, such as SOC, has been found in solar flares and the intermittent turbulence of the Earth's magnetotail [9][10][11] and it has been invoked to describe confinement and transport phenomena in magnetically confined plasmas [12,13].These successes motivate searching for new applications of statistical plasma theories. In this Letter we perform a statistical analysis of fluctuations in a laboratory plasma and find lognormal distributions over a wide range of field strength, the first laboratory evidence for an SGT state. Also, a departure from lognormality at high-field strengths is shown to be consistent with nonlinear saturation of a spatially extended eigenmode structure.The device used to obtain the data is a vacuum arc centrifuge (VAC), a magnetized plasma device originally designed to separate nuclear isotopes. It uses an arc discharge to form a multiply ionized (Z > 1) low temperature (T 6 10 4 K) high density (n i 10 18 m ÿ3 ) Mg plasma. The plasma is situated in an axial magnetic field (B 0:1 T) and is formed by drawing a 1 kA arc between a metal cathode and a wire mesh anode 60 mm distant. As the return current passes through the mesh, resistive losses generate a radial electric field. The interaction of the resultant radial current with the axial magne...