were found between these parameters in the control group. The correlations between blood glucose, acetoacetate and p-hydroxybutyrate and energy balance were very low. Plasma-free fatty acid levels were more closely associated with energy balance than were the other blood metabolites. When energy balance and free fatty acid correlations were compared for ketotic and control groups, only the control group showed a significant (P < 0.01) coefficient (r --0.42). The correlation between mean plasma-free fatty acids and mean body weight change over the experimental period for all animals, with time and treatment effects removed, was significant (r --0;54, P < 0.01). The estimated free fatty acid level at zero body weight change was 0.53 p eq per ml plasma. It is concluded that although free fatty acid levels are more sensitive than glucose as an indicator of energy status of the lactating cow, the excessive variability of this relationship during early Iactation drastically limits its usefulness.On a calcul6 les coefficients de corr6lation et de r6gression pour les m6tabolites' du sang, les composants du lait, le bilan 6nerg6tique et la valorisation de l'6nergie sur un total de 120 vaches. Ces derniEres recevaient des rations exp6rimentales contenant du propyldne-glycol et du glyc6rol; on a calcul6 les coefficients de cor-