cChlamydia has been detected in the gastrointestinal tracts of both animals and humans. However, it remains unclear whether the chlamydial organisms can be introduced into the gastrointestinal tract via pathways independent of the oral and anal routes. We have recently shown that Chlamydia muridarum spreads from the genital tract to the gastrointestinal tract potentially via the circulatory system. To test whether hematogenous C. muridarum can spread to and establish a long-lasting colonization in the mouse gastrointestinal tract, we inoculated mice intravenously with a luciferase-expressing C. muridarum strain and monitored its distribution. After tail vein inoculation, most luciferase-generated bioluminescence signals were detected in the mouse abdominal area throughout the experiment. The ex vivo imaging revealed that the abdominal signals came from the gastrointestinal tract tissues. Simultaneous monitoring of chlamydial organisms in individual organs or tissues revealed an initial stage of systemic spreading followed by a long-lasting infection in the gastrointestinal tract. A retro-orbital vein inoculation of the C. muridarum organisms at a lower dose in a different mouse strain also led to colonization of the gastrointestinal tract. We have demonstrated that intravenous C. muridarum inoculation can result in colonization of the gastrointestinal tract, suggesting that the chlamydial organisms may use the sexual behavior-independent circulation pathway to infect the gastrointestinal tract.C hlamydia muridarum infection in the mouse genital tract model has been used for investigation of the mechanisms of Chlamydia trachomatis pathogenesis and immune responses (1-6). This is because a single inoculation of C. muridarum organisms in the mouse lower genital tract can cause hydrosalpinx and infertility (7-9), closely mimicking the tubal adhesion, hydrosalpinx, and infertility observed in women urogenitally infected with C. trachomatis (10-12). Although C. muridarum is not a natural sexually transmitted agent of mice, chlamydiologists have used this model not only to identify both chlamydial (13-17) and host (1, 5, 18-24) pathogenic determinants but also to define the roles of ascending infection and tubal inflammation in chlamydial induction of hydrosalpinx (9,16,25,26). Nevertheless, questions such as how a self-limited infection with C. muridarum in the mouse genital tract can trigger tubal fibrosis or hydrosalpinx that lasts long after the tubal infection is resolved (9, 25) remain unanswered.Although C. trachomatis is a sexually transmitted bacterial pathogen that causes pathologies in the genital tract (27, 28), it has also been detected in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of humans (29-32). C. muridarum colonized the mouse GI tract when it was introduced to multiple mucosae (33) and established a long-lasting infection when directly inoculated into the mouse GI tract (34,35). The question is whether persistent colonization of the mouse GI tract can fill in the temporal gap between the self-limited infection...