We compare simulations of optical near-fields of single triangular nanostructures with experimental results from a near-field ablation technique on a periodic arrangement of triangles. We find good agreement of the lateral near-field distributions; nevertheless their dependency on the polarization of the incident light differs by 90 • . Upon increasing the lateral distances of the nanotriangle arrangement in the experiment, the polarization dependence agrees with the simulation. We conclude that this at first sight unexpected behaviour stems from the coupling of near-fields by scattered surface waves and their interaction with the incoming beam. The ongoing miniaturisation is one of the driving forces for the field of nanotechnology. In that field it would be useful to have all kinds of optics available that are frequently used on a micrometer scale, e.g., spectroscopy but also exposition of photoresists. For that purpose light must be focussed to a tiny spot well below the diffraction limit. To achieve this goal different types of nanoantennas have been proposed and examined during the last years [1][2][3][4][5][6]. For a further improvement of the efficiency of these nanoantennas progress has to be made on both sides, the theoretical description of these nanoantennas and the imaging of the near-fields with highest resolution [6][7][8][9][10]. The SNOM (scanning optical near-field microscopy) is an instrument used frequently, but alternative imaging methods have been developed as well which do not involve the problem of interaction of the SNOMtip with the optical near-field [11][12][13][14][15][16]. Here, we study experimental simple realizable nanoantennas, Au-triangles produced by colloidal lithography, and compare near-field simulations with the experimental results of a near-field ablation technique [14], where the optical near-field is used to pattern a silicon surface.
SimulationThe optical properties have been investigated by using the discrete dipole approximation (DDA) method for u Fax: +49-7531-883127, E-mail: johannes.boneberg@uni-konstanz.de solving for the scattering of light from nanostructures. Details of this method have been described previously [17,18]. In the present application, we focus on the field intensity distribution, as defined in terms of the the square of the local electric field, |E| 2 , in studies of a gold triangle on a silicon substrate. Dielectric constants for gold and for silicon are taken from Johnson and Christy [19] and Palik [20], respectively. In this calculation, the particle is discretized using a grid spacing of 3 nm for 240 nm edge length and 3.75 nm for 380 nm edge size, and the silicon substrate is treated using an effective medium approximation that uses a weighted average dielectric constant, where the weight factor is determined by the area of the particle that is exposed to the silicon. Past studies [21] have suggested that this level of discretization is capable of determining the qualitative shape of the intensity distribution in the near-field regio...