showed in past work that nanopatterned monolayer graphene (NPG)
can be used for realizing an ultrafast (∼100 ns) and spectrally
selective mid-infrared (mid-IR) photodetector based on the photothermoelectric
effect and working in the 8–12 μm regime. In later work,
we showed that the absorption wavelength of NPG can be extended to
the 3–8 μm regime. Further extension to shorter wavelengths
would require a smaller nanohole size that is not attainable with
current technology. Here, we show by means of a theoretical model
that nanopatterned multilayer graphene intercalated with FeCl3 (NPMLG-FeCl3) overcomes this problem by substantially
extending the detection wavelength into the range from λ = 1.3
to 3 μm. We present a proof of concept for a spectrally selective
infrared (IR) photodetector based on NPMLG-FeCl3 that can
operate from λ = 1.3 to 12 μm and beyond. The localized
surface plasmons (LSPs) on the graphene sheets in NPMLG-FeCl3 allow for electrostatic tuning of the photodetection wavelength.
Most importantly, the LSPs along with an optical cavity increase the
absorbance from about N × 2.6% for N-layer graphene-FeCl3 (without patterning) to nearly 100%
for NPMLG-FeCl3, where the strong absorbance occurs locally
inside the graphene sheets only. Our IR detection scheme relies on
the photothermoelectric effect induced by asymmetric patterning of
the multilayer graphene (MLG) sheets. The LSPs on the nanopatterned
side create hot carriers that give rise to the Seebeck effect at room
temperature, achieving a responsivity of
V/W, a detectivity
of D* = 2.3 × 109 Jones, and an ultrafast
response time
of the order of 100 ns. Our theoretical results can be used to develop
graphene-based photodetection, optical IR communication, IR color
displays, and IR spectroscopy over a wide IR range.