Earth's oldest rocks are found in the interior of continents in regions geologists call cratons. They are underlain by thick continental "roots" extending to more than 250 km depth, in contrast to the oceans and younger continents, where the tectonic plates are much thinner, less than 100 km. Cratonic roots are strong, cold, buoyant and chemically depleted in heavy elements such as iron (figure 1). These characteristics enhance their ability to resist modification and destruction during super-continent (Wilson) cycles, such as the formation and break up of Pangea.Cratons form the cores of most of Earth's continental plates: the Canadian Shield in North America, the Congo Craton in Africa and the São Francisco Craton in South America. Cratons are rich in diamonds and other economically valuable minerals, so they are often regions where mining companies focus exploration work. But to blue-skies research scientists, cratons are the only place where rocks are preserved from the early Earth; they thus provide a unique window into the processes that took place deep in geological time.It was once thought that cratonic roots formed during Archean times, more than 2.5 billion years ago, when the style of plate tectonics seen today may not have operated. A consensus is now emerging, however, that these thick roots also extend below younger regions, with the implication that their formation may have been more drawn out. The roots beneath cratons are now thought to have formed in multiple stages (Yuan & Romanowicz 2010, Darbyshire et al. 2013. First came an Archean-age, chemically distinct layer, that remained highly depleted in heavy elements. Later, a deeper thermal layer formed gradually as a result of the Earth's cooling. This two-stage formation is thought to be responsible for the discontinuity observed in the middle of tectonic plates in some cratonic regions (e.g. Porritt et al. 2015).
Recent modificationRecent studies have also suggested that cratonic regions can be modified by relatively recent tectonic processes. Modification often involves a subducting plate descending beneath the craton: water expelled from the subducting slab can migrate into the cratonic root and alter rock chemistry (e.g. in southeast Canada, Boyce et al. 2016). Sometimes the rock chemistry can be altered so dramatically that the root weakens and sinks into the Kusky et al. 2007). Alternatively, weakness in the cratonic root can be exploited by convection in the mantle. This pulls the edge of the root downwards (e.g. the Canadian Cordillera, Bao et al. 2014) into the convecting mantle.Key to understanding the formation and evolution of cratonic roots is detailed knowledge of their deep structure, but this cannot be achieved easily with traditional field geology alone. A crucial tool in unravelling the evolutionary history of cratonic roots is seismology. Seismic waves from distant earthquakes can be used to probe deep Earth structure en route to networks of recording stations (seismometers) at the surface, sometimes thousands of kilo metres...