Figure 1: FoldTronics creates 3D objects with integrated electronics. Our design software allows users to: (a) Convert a 3D model into a honeycomb structure & place electronic components into it. (b) Export the 2D layers (honeycomb pattern, wiring, insulation). (c) Fabricate the layers on a cutting plotter using sheets of plastic, copper, and regular tape. (d) After soldering and folding, the object is ready to be used: (e, f) This smart watch has a 2D display when collapsed and a 3D volumetric display (3 layers, 6 LEDs each) when expanded -the LEDs and wiring are integrated inside the object.
ABSTRACTWe present FoldTronics, a 2D-cutting based fabrication technique to integrate electronics into 3D folded objects. The key idea is to cut and perforate a 2D sheet to make it foldable into a honeycomb structure using a cutting plotter; before folding the sheet into a 3D structure, users place the electronic components and circuitry onto the sheet.The fabrication process only takes a few minutes enabling users to rapidly prototype functional interactive devices. The resulting objects are lightweight and rigid, thus allowing for weight-sensitive and force-sensitive applications. Finally, due to the nature of the honeycomb structure, the objects * Also with The University of Tokyo.can be folded flat along one axis and thus can be efficiently transported in this compact form factor.We describe the structure of the foldable sheet, and present a design tool that enables users to quickly prototype the desired objects. We showcase a range of examples made with our design tool, including objects with integrated sensors and display elements.
CCS CONCEPTS• Human-centered computing → Interactive systems and tools.