It is accepted that music education is highly effective for individuals' cognitive, affective and dynamic development process. Although it is so effective, music education given in today's schools is not given the necessary importance. Although the process of music education has some requirements, there are some problems regarding the fulfillment of these requirements. For example, there should be at least one instrument in the music class and certain time interval is needed for music lessons to be productive. In this study, in order to determine the current problems of the current music teachers, it was found necessary to ask the current problems with the music teachers. The research was conducted in 2019-2020 academic year. Using the Google Forms program, music teachers from all walks of life participated in the survey. A total of 34 music teachers were reached. Participants were asked two open-ended questions in the questionnaire to express their ideas freely. Qualitative research method was used in data analysis and content analysis technique was used. The following results were obtained: lack of textbook, lack of material, lack of music room, insufficiency of time of music lesson; not taking music lessons seriously by parents, students and management, Inadequacy of Turkish music course curriculum, crowded class, music teachers do not attend the course, obligation to grade continuously, music lessons cannot be processed due to continuous activity. Suggestions for solutions are also mentioned.
Turkish Studies -Educational SciencesVolume 14 Issue 6, 2019 solutions. Since the last two questions were open-ended, they were asked to answer sincerely.