Sirs: Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) frequently arises from the salivary gland, but it may also rarely arise from sebaceous glands in the skin. Only a few cases of PA in the auricle have been reported [5,6,9]. In this paper we report a case of PA in the auricle that was successfully resected.A 50-year-old Japanese housewife noticed a grain-sized growth in her right ear, but she left this untreated for 5 years. During this period, the lump grew slowly but was otherwise asymptomatic. When the tumor became as large as a walnut, she came to our clinic for its cosmetic removal. On examination a firm mass was seen in the right auricle. The size was approximately 30 × 20 × 18 mm (Fig. 1). Lymph nodes of the neck were not palpable. Aspiration cytology showed no evidence of malignancy but was suggestive of a PA.Surgical resection of the ear tumor was performed on 22 August 1997. An elliptical skin incision was used that included a 5-mm margin around the base of the tumor. Frozen section histology showed no invasion of the tumor into the cartilage of the auricle. After resection of the tumor and skin with perichondrium, the resultant skin defect was covered with a postauricular skin graft (Fig. 2). Healing was unremarkable and a cosmetically acceptable outcome was obtained.Grossly, tumor was seen to be a grayish-white multilobulated mass. Microscopically, tumor cells were found to be arranged in