Employee performance is very important at the company, because employees are the main assets of the company, many companies pay less attention to this, even though this is closely related to customer satisfaction in service and company policy to determine the employee's future. PT. XYZ is a company that provides organized professional services and strict recruitment principles, even before starting work for drivers it must do training for 3 days. However, the facts in the field are different, there are still customers who complain because of poor driver's obligations, such as arriving late or not being good. Because there is no application yet to assess performance, this causes companies to collect complaints data and conduct performance evaluations based on facts in the field in real time. With this problem, the whatsapp chat application is chosen as media reporting, because according to the statistics of active media users, whatsapp will make it easier for drivers and customers to connect with the company's customer service (ChatBOT) in real time. The purpose of this study is to create and manage Key Performance Indicators by getting data feedback from the driver or customer per day that will be obtained at the end of the monthly period. Data obtained from feedback will be given to customers who provide material for companies to make decisions to determine work contracts and awards for drivers who work well