Potential environmental consequences in terms of radiation dose to people are presented for postulated plutonium releases caused by severe natural phenomena at the General Electric Company Vallecitos Nuclear Center, Vallecitos, California. The severe natural phenomena considered are earthquakes, tornadoes, and high straight-line winds. Maximum plutonium deposition values are given for significant locations around the site. All important potential exposure pathways are examined. The most likely 50-year committed dose equivalents are given in Table 1 for the maximum-exposed individual and the population within a 50-mile radius of the plant. The maximum plutonium deposition values likely to occur offsite are also given in Table 1. Estimated Maximum Plutonium Deposition at Significant 15 Locations Following Earthquake No.3 Estimated Quantity of Plutonium Released to the 16 Atmosphere Following a Tornado Fifty-Year Committed Dose Equivalents from Inhalation 17 Following a l35-mph Tornado Fifty-Year Committed Dose Equivalents from Inhalation lS Following a lSO-mph Tornado Fifty-Year Committed Dose Equivalents from Inhalation lS Following a 230-mph Tornado Estimated Maximum Plutonium Deposition at Significant. 18 Locations Following a 135-mph Tornado Estimated Maximum Plutonium Deposition at Significant.