Pb xs ratio in suspended sediments to determine the time since the particles were tagged by precipitation-derived radionuclides (i.e. the age of the suspended sediment). In addition, an alternative model is presented to determine the fraction of the sediment that is 'newly tagged'. These two models are applied to three catchments -Old Woman Creek, Ohio; Weeks Bay, Alabama; and South Slough, Oregon -and yield similar findings at all three sites. Sediment ages increase from 0 in newly tagged material, to 50-80 days in rivers, to about 80-100 days in the estuaries, to about 200 days in the sediment traps, to about 300 days on surface bottom sediments. Alternatively, the percentage new sediment decreases from 100 per cent in newly tagged material, to about 35-50 per cent in rivers, to 25-35 per cent in the estuary, to less than 10 per cent in the sediment traps, to 1-4 per cent on the surface of the bottom sediments.