To study how Andreev reflection (AR) is affected by itinerant antiferromagnetism, we perform dwave AR spectroscopy with superconducting YBa2Cu3O 7−δ on TiAu and on variously-oxidized Nb (NbOx) samples. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is also used on the latter to measure their surface oxide composition. Below the Néel temperatures (TN ) of both TiAu and NbOx, the conductance spectra show a dip-like structure instead of a zero-bias peak within the superconducting energy gap; for NbOx, higher-oxidized samples show a stronger spectral dip at zero bias. These observations indicate that itinerant antiferromagnetic order suppresses the AR process. Interestingly, the spectral dip persists above TN for both TiAu and NbOx, implying that spin fluctuations can also suppress AR. Our results suggest that d-wave AR spectroscopy may be used to probe the degree of spin ordering in itinerant antiferromagnets.