DNA replication is mediated by the coordinated actions of multiple enzymes within replisomes. Processivity clamps tether many of these enzymes to DNA, allowing access to the primer/template junction. Many clamp-interacting proteins (CLIPs) are involved in genome maintenance pathways including translesion synthesis (TLS). Despite their abundance, DNA replication in bacteria is not perturbed by these CLIPs. Here we show that while the TLS polymerase Pol IV is largely excluded from moving replisomes, the remodeling of ssDNA binding protein (SSB) upon replisome stalling enriches Pol IV at replication forks. This enrichment is indispensable for Pol IV-mediated TLS on both the leading and lagging strands as it enables Pol IV-processivity clamp binding by overcoming the gatekeeping role of the Pol III epsilon subunit. As we have demonstrated for the Pol IV-SSB interaction, we propose that the binding of CLIPs to the processivity clamp must be preceded by interactions with factors that serve as localization markers for their site of action. Figure 4. The Pol IV-SSB interaction enriches Pol IV near lesion-stalled replisomes in cells. A. Schematic diagrams of PAmCherry fusions of Pol IV and RecQ WH -Pol IV LF variants. 303 VWP 305 , rim interacting residues; 346 QLVLGL 351 , the CBM of Pol IV; (G4S)4, a flexible linker. B. (Top panels) Representative fluorescence micrographs of an SSB-mYpet focus (left) and a single photoactivated Pol IV-PAmCherry molecule (right) with overlays showing the cell outlines. (Bottom panels) Corresponding brightfield micrographs with overlays showing SSB foci (red circle, left) or all detected Pol IV tracks (right) (Scale bars: 1 µM).C. Distributions of the mean distance between each static Pol IV track and the nearest SSB focus for Pol IV WT and mutants in cells treated with 100 mM MMS. D. Radial distribution functions g(r) for Pol IV WT and mutants in cells treated with 100 mM MMS. Also shown are random g(r) functions for each data set (dotted lines).