Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji keefektifan penggunaan alat musik hadroh sebagai media pembelajaran dengan bantuan metode drill terhadap kemampuan ritmis siswa kelas III SD Islam Al-Hilal Kartasura. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experimental dengan non-equivalent control group sebagai desain penelitiannya. Hasil pengujian hipotesis T-Test menunjukkan bahwa thitung>ttabel yakni 3,143 > 2,011. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kemampuan ritmis siswa antara kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan alat musik hadroh berbantuan metode drill daripada media pembelajaran pada kelas kontrol. Hasil uji n-gain kelas eksperimen lebih unggul dan efektif dibandingkan kelas kontrol yaitu sebesar 0,6241 > 0,3342. Kedua hasil n-gain termasuk dalam kriteria “sedang”. Artinya, alat musik hadroh berbantuan metode drill lebih efektif terhadap kemampuan ritmis siswa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pada pembelajaran SBdP seni musik menggunakan alat musik hadroh berbantuan metode drill efektif terhadap kemampuan ritmis siswa kelas III SD Islam Al-Hilal Kartasura.
The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of using hadroh musical instruments as a learning media assisted with the drill method on the rhythmic abilities of grade III students at Al-Hilal Islamic Elementary School, Kartasura. The type of research used is quasi-experimental with a non-equivalent control group as the research design. The results of testing the T-Test hypothesis show that the tcount>ttable is 3.143 > 2.011. These results show that there are differences in students' rhythmic abilities between the experimental class which uses hadroh musical instruments assisted by the drill method compared to the learning media in the control class. The n-gain test results for the experimental class were superior and effective than the control class is 0.6241>0.3342. Both n-gain results are categorized as “medium”. This means that the hadroh musical instrument assisted by the drill method is more effective on students' rhythmic abilities. The conclusion of this research is that SBdP learning the art of music using hadroh musical instruments assisted by the drill method is effective for the rhythmic abilities of grade III students at Al-Hilal Islamic Elementary School, Kartasura.