Tefa Agrimart has various challenges; one of the most important ones is the willingness of the production units to market their products through Tefa Agrimart. If this is not handled immediately, it will threaten the sustainability of Tefa Agrimart. Efforts to overcome the problems above must be done holistically by identifying the sustainability attributes of the development of Tefa Agrimart. The problem in this research was mainly what sustainability attributes needed to be improved in the development of Tefa Agrimart. The purpose of this research was to identify the sustainability attributes of Tefa Agrimart development. The research method included the following stages: first, data collection on sustainability aspects using multidimensional scaling (MDS) techniques; second, data processing using the RapTefa application (analysis of ordination, leverage, montecarlo, and kite diagrams). The results showed that the most important lever attributes consisted of: join marketing readiness, intensity of technical guidance activities, and market access.