Since that time, this program has served not only as a clearinghouse for the collection, anal¬ ysis, and distribution of epidemiologic infor¬ mation on poliomyelitis in the United States, but also as a means of continuous surveillance of the disease and evaluation of the safety and efficacy of poliomyelitis vaccines. Since May 1, 1955, Poliomyelitis Surveillance Keports have been published regularly and distributed to those charged with responsibility for control The authors are with the National Communicable Disease Center of the Public Health Service. At the time this report was prepared, under the guidance of Dr. Alexander D. Langmuir, chief of the Epidemi¬ ology Branch, they were officials of the Surveillance Section of the branch. Currently, Mr. Morris is sta¬ tistical adviser, Brazilian National Smallpox Cam¬ paign, Rio de Janiero. Dr. Henderson is chief of the Smallpox Unit, World Health Organization, Dr. Witte is chief of the State Services Section, Epidemi¬ ology Program, Dr. Gardner is a fellow in infectious diseases, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, and Dr. Miller is a research fellow in infectious dis¬ eases, ChUdren's Hospital Medical Center, Boston. Mrs. Mary Anne Lyle assisted with the coding and tabulating of the data.