The structure development in the continuous laser-heated drawing process of poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylate) (PEN) fiber was analyzed by in-situ X-ray diffraction measurement. Because of the rapid and uniform laser-heating, and the resultant steady-state nature of the necking-drawing, the structure development after the on-set of necking could be measured in the time resolution of several hundred microseconds. We found for the first time the temporal appearance of meridional (001') diffraction at several milliseconds after the on-set of necking indicating that the mesophase structure similar to the one reported for poly(ethylene terephthalate) was also formed in the initial stage of fiber structure development of PEN. The d-spacing of the (001') diffraction 1.230 ± 0.003 nm was shorter than the c-axis lengths of both Į and ȕ crystals.
IntroductionPoly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylate) (PEN), containing naphthalene ring in its backbone, possesses higher glass-transition temperature (T g ) and higher melting temperature (T m ) than those of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET). Due to the stiff molecular chain of PEN, it can be expected to give high-performance fibers having excellent physical properties for engineering uses.There have been studied on hot-drawing and cold-drawing processes in PEN fibers and films, [1,2] in which the drawability of amorphous PEN was reported to depend on molecular weight and strain rate. The structural changes in the neck-drawing of amorphous PEN films have been investigated through off-line measurement using synchrotron X-ray radiation, [1,3] which revealed the appearance of smectic order with a period of 1.25 nm corresponding to a chain repeat length associated with a sinusoidal conformation of the polymer chains. It was 5% shorter than the chain repeat length of a more extended Į-conformation. However, so far, there has been found no report about on-line characterization of structure development process with orientation-induced crystallization in PEN fiber and films.Several studies on the on-line characterization of the fiber structure development during the drawing have been conducted using simultaneous synchrotron radiation as well as laboratory X-ray generators for WAXD and SAXS. [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] Many of these studies concerned PET. Our research group has studied on the fiber structure development process in the continuous laser-drawing for PET and PTT fibers through on-line WAXD and SAXS measurements [9] with synchrotron radiation systems [10,11,12] . Quantitative analyses on the fiber structure development mechanism were accomplished by direct measurement in the vicinity of the neck-deformation point, in which drawing behavior, fiber temperature changes, and WAXD/SAXS were measured as a function of elapsed time after the neck-deformation. [9][10][11][12] The elapsed time, calculated from distance between measurement point and the neck-deformation point, is high accuracy because the neck point could be fixed within confined region by rapid and unifo...