Carbon nitrides are of current interest due to their novel mechanical, optical, and tribological properties including low density, surface roughness, wear resistance, chemical inertness, and biocompatibility. [1][2][3][4] These superhard diamondlike materials promise a variety of technological and biological applications, for example, biocompatible coatings on biomedical implants, [5][6] battery electrodes, [7][8] gas-separation systems, [9] corrosion protection, [10] and humidity and gas sensors.[11] As these applications are primarily governed by the particle size, material texture, and nitrogen content, an extensive effort has focused on the discovery of precursors along with appropriate methods to control the size, regulate the texture, and increase the nitrogen content of carbon nitrides. We report here three novel nitrogen-rich nanolayered, nanoclustered, and nanodendritic carbon nitrides that were prepared from 4,4',6,6'-tetra(azido)azo-1,3,5-triazine (TAAT), a member of a unique class of high-nitrogen C,N-containing energetic materials.Gillan reported the preparation of single-textural carbon nitrides C 3 N 4 (60.9 wt % N, 1 = 1.82 g cm À3 ) and C 3 N 5 (66.0 wt % N, 1 = 1.82 g cm À3 ) by pyrolyses of 2,4,6-tri-(azido)-1,3,5-triazine (TAT) at 85 8C.[12] Although pressurization was not required for making C 3 N 4 , 6 atm of N 2 was needed in the preparation of C 3 N 5 . Other preparative methods using 1,3,5-triazine- [4,13,14] and 2,5,8-heptazinebased [3,[15][16][17] compounds as precursors have involved either applied pressure, high temperature, shock compression, or combinations of at least two of these conditions; however, the products obtained were nitrogen-poor materials, occasionally contaminated with hydrogen-incorporating byproducts. Our preparative protocols using TAAT yield three novel morphologies of nitrogen-rich carbon nitrides C 2 N 3 (63.6 wt % N, 1 = 1.32 AE 0.01 g cm À3 ) and C 3 N 5 (66.0 wt % N, 1 = 0.44 AE 0.01 and 1.08 AE 0.01 g cm À3 ). The pyrolyses are simple, occur under mild conditions (i.e., low temperature and without applied pressure), and require no vacuum systems, extraction, carbonization, or purification. TAAT was proposed as one of the intermediates in the decomposition of TAT, [12] and we recently developed a three-step synthetic pathway for this material. [18] Nitrogen-rich C 2 N 3 was prepared under a nitrogen atmosphere.[19] A 1.0 g crystalline sample of TAAT was loaded into a 50-mL stainless steel bomb, which was heated to 160 8C over 3 h and held at this temperature for an additional 4 h. The temperature was then increased to 185 8C over 5 h and maintained at this temperature overnight to yield glassy nanolayered C 2 N 3 carbon nitride with a density of 1.32 AE 0.01 g cm À3 . The glassy nanolayer was characterized by IR spectroscopy, gas pycnometry (GP), elemental analysis, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), [20] and SEM imaging (Figure 1).The interlinked three-dimensional network of glassy pockets shown in Figure 1 (right) suggested that the conversion to C 2 N 3 inv...