Purpose To investigate whether serum Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) on day 3 could predict controlled ovarian stimulation and reproductive outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Methods A total of 164 PCOS patients undergoing their first IVF treatment cycle were prospectively included. Serum AMH levels on cycle day 3 was measured. The controlled ovarian stimulation and clinical outcomes for the study population were divided according to the <25th, 25 to 75th, or >75th percentile of serum day-3 AMH. Results Estradiol levels on hCG day and the number of retrieved oocytes significantly increased with increasing serum AMH levels, while total consumption of gonadotropin dose showed a significant decrease (P<0.05). Fertilization rate and the number of good quality embryos were comparable among the low, average and high groups (P>0.05). Embryo implantation rates in the high AMH group was significantly inferior to those with low and average AMH concentration (27 versus 48.8 and 50%, P<0.01). Clinical pregnancy rates was lower in the high AMH group than that of the low and average group (45.9 versus 65 and 66.7%, P00.09), but this difference was only close to statistical significance. In addition, ordinal regression analysis indicated that LH level was the only independent predictor of embryo implantation rates (P00.017). Conclusions In PCOS women, AMH levels on day 3 of the IVF stimulation cycle positively predict ovarian response to gonadotrophins. However, the women with high AMH levels had a significantly decreased IR, which may be due to remarkably increased LH concentrations.Keywords Anti-Müllerian hormone . Assisted reproduction . Polycystic ovary syndrome . Serum AMH Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), also known as Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS), is producted specifically by granulose cells of early developing pre-antral and small antral follicles in the ovary, and declines with advancing age. AMH has therefore been proposed as a novel clinical marker of ovarian reserve [1]. Another major reason for the interest in AMH is the fact that serum AMH levels are increased significantly in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) when compared with normoovulatory women [2,3].PCOS is the most frequent cause of anovulatory infertility and hyperandrogenism in young women [4]. Women with this syndrome are characterized by an excessive number of small antral follicles (2-3 fold that of normal ovaries) [5]. As an exclusively granulosa cell product, it was initially proposed that the rise in serum AMH in PCOS was a consequence of the increased small antral follicle number in these ovaries [6]. The Capsule In PCOS women, high AMH levels on day 3 of the IVF stimulation cycle predict high ovarian response to gonadotrophins, but low embryo implantation rates.