Unsaturated polyester is a polymer that is widely used as a basic matrix to form strong composites for engineering applications such as cars, ships, aircraft, and other field applications. The advantages of this material are that it has a fairly high tensile strength when reinforced with appropriate reinforcement, is light and easy to shape. However, the weakness of this polymer is that it is brittle and cannot withstand shock loads. To do that, it is necessary to overcome the nature of the weaknesses mentioned above. One of the materials chosen to strengthen polyester with vinyl ester is because these polymers have almost identical molecular bonds. A crack test was carried out on the addition of vinyl ester with a different composition process. To find out whether this vinyl ester can provide an increase in the crack strength of unsaturated polyester. The aim is to find out what percentage of the mixture has good crack resistance properties, with a good percentage of the mixture. To determine the fracture resistance value of the polymer mixture, a crack resistance test was carried out which would produce a large critical stress intensity factor based on ASTM D 5405 by varying the composition of the vinyl ester mixture from 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 100%. From the test results, the greatest critical stress intensity factor occurred in a mixture with a composition of 40% vinyl ester is 1.752 MPa.m1/2. The critical-stress-intensity factor an increase from 0.392 MPa.m1/2 to 1.752 MPa.m1/2 (an increase of 447 %) than pure UP.