ABSTRACT:Polystyrene having an anthryl group attached at the end of a chain, whose degree of polymerization is 550, was used. We have found that the most appropriate oricntational auto-correlation function for a terminal segment on a chain is hyperbolic function r(t) r 0 (tlr,,) -P. This behavior indicates the primary process of orientational relaxation of chain segments to be the intermittent process. The distribution of the state density of a terminal segment is in agreement with that of "inner" segment according to the reference temperature T" which reflects to the characteristic activation energy of orientationa! relaxation of segments. Therefore the characteristic activation energy of orientational relaxation of a segment is independent of position on a chain. The values of minimum reaction radii of a terminal segment were about twice times larger than that of a central segment. This behavior can be reduced to the degree of freedom of segmental motion on the basis of computer simulation. Therefore corresponds not only the apparent activation energy of solvent molecules but the degree of freedom of segmental motion on a polymer chain.KEY WORDSIt is well known that polymer chains exhibit orientationa! relaxation behavior obeying the non-exponential law. This behavior suggests the complexity of the polymer chains to be caused by the vast number of motion. During the last twenty years, many theoretical and experimental studies about local dynamic properties of an isolated chain were reported in order to understand the characteristics of chains itself. Orientational relaxation behavior of a segment in the middle of polymer chain had been studied by many authors. 1 -7 However orientational relaxation of a terminal segment on a polymer chain is not sufficiently discussed.Various orientational auto-correlations of polymer segments are detected by admirable experimental techniques such as dielectric relaxation, 8 NMR, 9 ESR, 10 and fluorescence depolarization 1 · 6 · 11 method. In particular, the time-resolved fluorescence depolarization method is very powerful to estimate local segmental motions of a polymer chain. Because measured fluorescence anisotropy decay curves directly correspond to the orientational relaxation process of chromophores introduced in a system. 12 -14 In two earlier papers, 16 · 17 we discussed the orientationa! relaxation of the back bone of polystyrene having an anthryl group in the center of its chain (PSAPS). Fluorescence anisotropy decay curves of PSAPS chain were successfully reproducible with hyperbolic function It was found that the origin of hyperbolic anisotropy decay curves of PSAPS chain is the intermittent relaxation 16 of the segment which is made up of a few monomers. That is to say, orientational relaxation of segments rarely occurs, but the velocity of the relaxation is rapid.We thus aim to study the relaxation of a terminal segment of polystyrene chain. We will begin by estimating the most appropriate orientational relaxation function for terminal segments according to prev...