Increased stand establishment from polymer-coated seed has been reported in some crops, including spring type canola {Brassica napus L.), however, effects of polymers on winter canola have not been evaluated. The objectives of this research were to evaluate effects of three polymers [CelGard (CP), Spectrum 511 (SP), and DiscoClear (DC)], each at three concentrations (0.33%, 0.66%, and 0.99%), alone, with fungicide Helix, and Apron applied to seeds of two winter canola cultivars 'Jetton' and 'Abilene', which were planted at 1.9 cm and 3.8 cm depth in three soil types (sandy, silt, and clay loam). Treatments were distributed in a randomized complete-block design in each soil. Polymer CelGard application on cv. 'Abilene' and DiscoClear on cv. 'Jetton' gave highest seedling establishment in all three soil types. Seeds of both the cultivars, when centricoated with Helix, along with polymer coating, gave higher seedling establishment (88.0% in cv. 'Abilene' and 85.0% in cv. 'Jetton') as compared to other respective polymer treatments without Helix. The seedling establishment was higher when coated seeds were planted at 1.9 cm depth than at 3.8 cm. From this research it was concluded that coating winter canola seeds with polymers increased seedling establishment and Gaganpreet Kaur and Udai R. Bishnoi are affiliated with the