Mi xt ures of hexafluo robenze ne a,nd benze ne were irra di ated in li quid phase by means of a C060 cram ma o urce at 20° a nd a t '2 18° C. P crfiuoro hep tane a nd va ri ous b inar.v mix t ures involvi~g perflu o roh epta nc, h exaflu or obe ll ze ne, be nze ne, a nd cyclo hexane were a lso in'ad iated at 20° C. H exafluorob e nzene rese mb led benze ne ve ry closely in its behav ior up o n r a dio \ys is. Ge nerall y t he fluor oc arbon-h ydrocarbon mix t ur es evolved mu ch mo rc SiF4 (indi cat in g th e form at ion of J-IF, which r eac ts with th e glass vesse l) than th e pure flu orocarbon co mpon ents. The polym er from hexaflu o robe nze ne-benzrne mixtures was p r oba~ly ri ch in cyclohexadi ene a nd cycloh exe ne un its , I'cse mbiin g t hat from pu re benzene, a nd Its co mposition rat io exhib ited a strong "alte rn at in g" te nd e ncy. Th e res ults a re di scussed in te rms of fr ee-radi cal and excited-state mechanisms. r\ t 218 0 C hexaflu o robenzene a nd a lso its mixtures with benze ne showed qua litat ive difl'erences from th eir beha vior a t 20° C, a ltho ug h t he G va lues for SiF4 and p o lymer rema in ed mode rat e.