The synthesis of low-molecular-weight poly(acry1amide)s (M, = 500 -1000) is described. Metal-activated and non-activated polymerization in aqueous solution was investigated employing hydrogen peroxide as initiator. Among four transition metal salts considered, Cu2+ cations proved to be the most efficient in decomposing H202 molecules and were used as activator. The experiments were run at three reaction temperatures (60, 80 and 95 "C), at three H,O, levels (4, 5 and 6 wt.-Vo on monomer), and at four Cu2+ levels (900, 600, 300 and 0 ppm by weight of metal on monomer). Thus, ist was possible to prepare acrylamide oligomers with monomer conversions exceeding 95%, and with M, values covering the narrow range indicated above. Within these low limits a molecular weight control is impossible, even with inclusion of the differentiated