Composite materials used for the restoration of lost dental tissues fulfill almost all functional and aesthetic requirements. However, polymerization shrinkage still remains the main problem of light-curing composite resins. The consequences of this phenomenon are microfractures and microleakage in the marginal areas of the composite restoration.The aim of this paper is to present the most important methods for reducing polymerization shrinkage of adhesive restorations, based on the contemporary literature available. These methods include changes in the chemical composition of the composite, correct application technique of the adhesive-composite system and selection of the appropriate light curing protocol.In the last few years, composite materials have experienced significant changes in the chemical composition in order to compensate for their major shortcomings. By introducing pre-polymerized filler particles, alternative matrices based on silorane and ormocer, and new germanium-based photoinitiators, the degree of polymerization shrinkage has been significantly reduced.Optimal adhesive bond between the filling and the tooth can compensate volumetric shrinkage of material which occurs during polymerization. Numerous studies have shown that total-etch adhesive systems, in comparison with self-etch, form a better adhesive bond to hard dental tissues. Polymerization shrinkage can also be reduced and marginal adaptation improved by applying a stress-absorbing layer and preheated composite.With the use of modified light-curing protocols, such as soft start with reduced initial light intensity, and pulse-delayed with relaxation period, the negative effects of polymerization shrinkage and stress development can be further reduced, and the risk of microfracture formation minimized. 2019; 36(4):334-342 335 4 Odeljenje za stomatološku protetiku, Klinika za stomatologiju, Niš, Srbija 5 Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Fakultet medicinskih nauka, Departman za stomatologiju, Kragujevac, Srbija
Acta facultatis medicae NaissensisSAŽETAK Kompozitni materijali koji se danas koriste za restauraciju izgubljenih zubnih tkiva, ispunjavaju skoro sve funkcionalne i estetske zahteve. Međutim, glavni problem svetlosnopolimerizujućih kompozita i dalje ostaje pojava kontrakcije prilikom polimerizacije. Posledice ovog fenomena su nastanak mikropukotine i mikrocurenja u predelu marginalnog spoja. Cilj ovog rada je da na osnovu savremene dostupne literature, predstavi najznačajnije metode za smanjenje kontrakcije adhezivnih restauracija. To su: promena hemijskog sastava kompozita, pravilna tehnika aplikovanja adhezivno-kompozitnog sistema i izbor odgovarajućeg režima svetlosne polimerizacije. Kompozitni materijali su zadnjih godina doživeli najviše promena u pogledu hemijskog sastava, sa ciljem kompenzovanja njihovih glavnih nedostataka. Uvođenjem prepolimerizovanih čestica punioca, alternativnih matriksa na bazi silorana i ormocera, i novih fotoinicijatora na bazi germanijuma, u značajnoj meri je redukovan stepen polimerizacione kontrakcije. Kva...