This work consisted of the intramammary infections (IMI) of 8 heifers by high doses of Escherichia coli to study both the proteolytic activity in milk and the resulting peptides. Therefore, a milking kinetic has been followed, and several parameters have been studied, such as proteose peptones (PP) fraction (quantitative and qualitative changes), plasmin activity (PA), milk somatic cell count (SCC), and bacterial count. A qualitative study of milk proteins and PP was performed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE, and the peptides recovered in PP during the acute phase of inflammation were amino-terminal micro-sequenced. A BSA increase in milk over time supported the hypothesis of an increase in the permeability of the epithelial barrier. A significant increase in PP content, considered to be an indicator of proteolysis, was observed from postinfusion hours (PIH) 12 to 48. Both the E. coli bacterial count and the SCC increased from PIH 3 to 216. Plasmin activity was increased noticeably from PIH 15 to 24. The respective increases in SCC, bacterial count, and PA suggest their involvement in a global mechanism responsible for the increase in proteolysis in milk after E. coli challenge. Somatic cell count and E. coli may be involved from PIH 3 to 216, and PA involvement might be highlighted during the maximum proteolysis, from PIH 15 to 24. A qualitative study of PP fraction by electrophoresis revealed the apparition of 5 peptide bands: P1 and P2 previously recovered during the lipopolysaccharide challenge, and E1 (27.0 kDa), E2 (15.5 kDa), and E3 (9.0 kDa) were specific to E. coli challenge; E1, E2, and E3 contained casein fragments. The roles played by leukocytes and E. coli are discussed.
2923Abbreviation key: PA = plasmin activity, PIH = postinfusion hour, PMN = polymorphonuclear neutrophils, PP = proteose peptones, t-PA = tissue plasminogen activator, u-PA = urokinase-type plasminogen activator.