Invariants for complicated objects such as those arising in phylogenetics, whether they are invariants as matrices, polynomials, or other mathematical structures, are important tools for distinguishing and working with such objects. In this paper, we generalize a polynomial invariant on trees, to phylogenetic networks. Networks are becoming increasingly important for their capacity to represent reticulation events, such as hybridization, in evolutionary history. We provide a function from the space of phylogenetic networks to a polynomial ring, and prove that two networks with the same number of leaves and same number of reticulations are isomorphic if and only if they share the same polynomial. While the invariant for trees is a polynomial in Z[x 1 , . . . , xn, y] where n is the number of leaves, the invariant for networks is an element of Z[x 1 , . . . , xn, λ 1 , . . . , λr, y], where r is the number of reticulations in the network. For networks without leaf labels this reduces to a polynomial in r + 2 variables.