The mechanism of ethanol-induced fibrillation of β-lactoglobulin (β-lg) in the acidic aqueous solution upon heating was investigated using various techniques, mainly thioflavin T fluorescence, atomic force microscopy, nonreducing electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The results showed that fibrillation occurred with a heating time increase, but high ethanol content slowed down the process. At a low ethanol volume fraction, peptides existed after heating for 2 h, with long and straight fibrils formed after 4−6 h, while at a high ethanol volume fraction, the proteins aggregated with very few peptides appeared at the early stage of heating, and short and curved fibrils formed after heating for 8 h. Ethanol weakened the hydrophobic interactions between proteins in the aqueous solution; therefore the latter could not completely balance the electrostatic repulsion, and thus suppressing the fibrillation process. It is believed that the fibrillation of β-lg in the acidic solution upon heating is mainly dominated by the polypeptide model; however, ethanol inhibited the hydrolysis of proteins, and the self-assembly mechanism changed to the monomer model.