Please cite this article as: Peachey, Brittany L., Allen Jr., Standish K., Evaluation of cytochalasin B and 6-dimethylaminopurine for tetraploidy induction in the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Aquaculture (2015),
AbstractCytochalasin B (CB) has been used to induce tetraploidy in oysters since the practice began in 1993. However, CB is toxic and presents health risks to hatchery workers who administer the treatment. 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) is also an effective cytokinetic inhibitor, and does not carry the health risks of CB. We examined the relative effectiveness of 6-DMAP vs CB for producing tetraploids in the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Survival and yield of tetraploids varied widely among the 15 experiments. Larvae resulting from 6-DMAP treatment had higher survival in 11 of the 14 trials on day two and day six/ seven. For yield of tetraploids, 10 of 13 6-DMAP treatments had higher proportions of tetraploids on day two and at the second sampling -day six, seven, or nine -7 of 10 had higher proportions of tetraploids. Tetraploid spat were obtained from the majority of surviving cultures. Based on these results, 6-DMAP can effectively replace CB for inducing polyploidy in C. virginica, and probably other Crassostrea spp., due to the success of the treatment, the ease of application, and the reduction in health risk to hatchery workers. This study set the precedent for the use of 6-DMAP on C. virginica and A C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P T ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 2 established a new procedure for inducing tetraploids using triploid eggs. It might be possible to refine the treatment to further optimize yield of tetraploids.