Digital learning tools and web-based approaches have been widely used among educators to cope with learners’ needs and demands in the era of the technological revolution, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigates how using the FWQ (Flipped-based WebQuest) model and WQ (WebQuest) with EFL preparatory students could influence their grammar proficiency and reduce their anxiety in language learning. The sample comprised 106 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students in the preparatory stage. They were divided into two experimental groups (FWQ, WQ) and one control group. The first experimental group (n=35) studied through the FWQ model, the second (N=34) used WQ, and the control group (n=37) learned using traditional learning. A pre/post grammar test, a pre/post grammar anxiety scale and an FWQ questionnaire were used to assess the effect of the independent variables on EFL grammar proficiency. A paired sample T-test and ANOVA were run to calculate the improvement. The outcomes revealed that both FWQ and WQ are effective strategies, but the results are significant in the FWQ model due to the combination of Flipped and WebQuest learning.