Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is a paradigm for low-power, general-purpose, classical computing designed to overcome the challenges facing CMOS in the extreme limits of scaling. A molecular implementation of QCA offers nanometer-scale devices with device densities and operating speeds which may surpass CMOS device densities and speeds by several orders of magnitude, all at room temperature. Here, a proposal for electric field bit write-in to molecular QCA circuits is extended to synchronous QCA circuits clocked using an applied electric field, E. Input electrodes, which may be much larger than the cells themselves, immerse an input circuit in an input field Ey ŷ, in addition to the applied clocking field Ez ẑ. The input field selects the input bit on a field-sensitive portion of the circuit. Another portion of the circuit with reduced Eysensitivity functions as a shift register, transmitting the input bit to downstream QCA logic for processing. It is shown that a simple rotation of the molecules comprising the shift register makes them immune to unwanted effects from the input field or fringing fields in the direction of the input field. Furthermore, the circuits also tolerate a significant unwanted field component Ex x in the third direction, which is neither the clocking nor input direction. The write-in of classical bits to molecular QCA circuits is a road-block that must be cleared in order to realize energy-efficient molecular computation using QCA. The results presented here show that interconnecting shift registers may be designed to function in the presence of significant unwanted fringing fields from large input electrodes. Furthermore, the techniques devloped here may also enable molecular QCA logic to tolerate these same unwanted fringing fields.