A numerical classification was performed on a collection of 45 Thermus isolates recovered from New Zealand hot pools and on six type strains including T. aquaticus and 'T. thermophilus'. Unweighted average linking (UPGMA) and single linkage clustering methods were applied to similarity matrices derived from simple matching (S,,,,,) and Jaccard similarity (S,) coefficients. Differences were observed between phenograms derived from S,, and S, coefficients, indicating that some of the clusters formed were derived from a significant component of negative matches. Test error was estimated at 2.9%. In the UPGMA/SsM phenogram, seven clusters were formed. A majority of the New Zealand isolates did not cluster with non-New Zealand isolates. Analysis of variance showed that there was a relationship between the composition of the clusters and the temperature and pH of the source of the isolate. Chi-squared testing showed that, within New Zealand, the geographical source of the isolate had no bearing on the clusters formed.