This study aimed to determine the Development of Spring roll using Wrapper with Threadfin Bream (Nemipterus japonicus) Flakes and if there were significant differences in the Development of Spring roll using Wrapper with Threadfin Bream (Nemipterus japonicus) Flakes using three different proportions of ingredients per treatment in terms of aroma, color, flavor, texture and general acceptability. The present investigation employed experimental design to establish the level of acceptability of the Development of Spring roll using Wrapper with Threadfin Bream (Nemipterus Japonicus) Flakes. There are three treatments subjected for evaluation using a Researcher made Survey questionnaire. These were Treatments A, B, and C. There were fifteen (15) trained panels composed of faculty of NIPSC Ajuy Campus that were purposely selected to evaluate the product. The data gathered were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation and the Friedman’s Test (Freidman’s ANOVA). The criterion for rejection and acceptance of hypothesis was set at 0.05 level of significance. The study was conducted at NIPSC-Ajuy Campus, during the 2nd Semester of School Year 2020-2021. The findings were based on the data and the results of the analysis obtained were as follows: Treatment B with 150 grams of threadfin bream flakes was found to be “extremely acceptable” and comparable with the commercial spring roll wrappers (Treatment A) in terms of aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability. No significant differences was found out in the acceptability of the Development of Spring roll using Wrapper with Threadfin Bream (Nemipterus japonicus) Flakes in terms of aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability. Spring roll using Wrapper with Threadfin Bream (Nemipterus japonicus) Flakes has suggested retail price of P2.65 which is more than 100 % higher compared to the commercial spring roll wrapper with selling price of P1.00 per piece.
Finally, it was recommended that continuous research and development shall be pursued in case commercialization of Spring roll using Wrapper with Threadfin Bream (Nemipterus japonicus) Flakes is considered especially in the cost aspects. A feasibility study shall be conducted first before commercialization is pursued. Other pelagic fishes shall also be ventured and tested to fortify spring roll wrapper. Although results positive results in terms of acceptability, researcher shall look into possible ways to lower the cost of the product to ensure profitability. The Municipality of Ajuy along with the academic community and research authorities to take action on making researches that shall promote the utilization of pelagic fishes in the town. This actions shall enable the economic development of the town that can help resolve poverty and shortage of food in the Municipality of Ajuy. The said activities shall also promote entrepreneurial spirit especially the small and local businesses in the community