The growth and mortality of Neptunea arthritica juveniles hatched from di¡erent egg masses (controlled conditions and ¢eld) reared at 10 and 15 1C, and provided with sardine (D1) and polychaete (D2) as foods were evaluated. Results showed that diet type and water temperature signi¢cantly a¡ect the growth and mortality. Interaction between these factors re-£ected robust relationship among them, but restricted exclusively to growth. Through the study period, juveniles treated at 10 1C showed maximum increments of 2.5 mm (shell length), 2.3 mm (shell width) and 0.25 g (body weight) from their initial size.While maximum values of those treated at 15 1C for the above-mentioned parameters were 7.6 mm, 5.5 mm and 1g respectively. In both cases, these increments were recorded for individuals fed with sardine. Mortality was signi¢cantly a¡ected by diets and water temperature, which signi¢cantly increased under D2 [10 1C (20^67%), 15 1C (70^87%)] or 15 1C [D1 (30^83%), D2 (70^87%)]. According to the results, juveniles of N. arthritica could be maintained under controlled conditions, which allows growth improvement. Mortality appears to be the limiting factor, but this could be improved by the implementation of e⁄cient culture method, basically oriented to increase the water quality. Aquaculture Research, 2009, 40, 428^436 E¡ect of water temperature and diet R M Miranda et al. E¡ect of water temperature and diet R M Miranda et al. E¡ect of water temperature and diet R M Miranda et al. r 2008 The Authors Journal Compilation r 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 40, 428^436 E¡ect of water temperature and diet R M Miranda et al.