To those we lost, and to those we found, and to those who went with us through these turbulent times
List of Tables ix List of Figures x List of Appendices xii List of Boxes xiiiList of Tables 1.1 Item means and standard deviations with the adaptive leadership framework 1.2 Leadership framework means and standard deviations 2.1 Answers to question: "Please take a look at this list and tell us about each institution and how much trust you have in it-do you trust it completely, trust it a little, trust it not very much, or not trust it at all?" 2.2 Answers to question "When you think about the government's actions, how much do you agree with the following statements?" 2.3 Answers to question "If you look at the following list: do you trust the institutions listed here very much, trust them less, or do you not trust them at all in relation to the crisis caused by the spread of the coronavirus?" from the survey "Ako sa máte, Slovensko?" from December 2020 2.4 Answers to question: "How do you rate the positions of the following politicians on coronavirus vaccination?" 2.5 Answers to question: "How confident are you about information on the Covid-19 vaccination from the following institutions and sources of information?" 4.1 Words and word combinations that might entail the populist style. Hungarian words are presented in parentheses 4.2 Hypotheses, research questions, and the relevant answers 4.3 Code co-occurrences in core sentences in Viktor Orbán's speeches between March 5, 2020, and February 17, 2021 List of Figures xi
3.4The best facilitations for entrepreneurs in running a business in a pandemic during the first survey (on the left-among women, on the right-among men) 3.5 Percentage of age groups of respondents in the second survey 3.6 Percentage share of respondents in particular types of enterprises in the second survey 3.7 Support for employees during the Covid-19 pandemic during the second study (on the left-among women, on the right-among men) 3.8 The best facilitations for entrepreneurs in running a business in a pandemic during the second survey (on the left-among women, on the right-among men) 3.9 The most important aspects of changing company management during a pandemic during the second study (on the left-among women, on the right-among men) 4.1 Topic categories in Viktor Orbán's speeches between