The pore-forming activity of the major outer-membrane protein FomA of the anaerobic Fusobucteriurn nucleaturn was studied in artificial lipid bilayer membranes. FomA was isolated from F: nucleaturn strains Fevl, ATCC 10953, and ATCC 25586 by extraction with lithium dodecyl sulfate and lithium chloride and had an apparent molecular mass of about 40 kDa. When solubilized at low temperatures, the protein ran with an apparent molecular mass of about 62 kDa on SDS/PAGE. Cross-linking experiments and two-dimensional SDS/PAGE gave evidence that the 62-kDa protein band represented the trimeric form of FomA. The protein trimers were susceptible to SDS and temperature. The stability of the porin trimers varied among the strains. The properties of the FomA channels were studied in reconstitution experiments with black lipid bilayer membranes. The F: nucleaturn porins formed channels with single-channel conductances in the range 0.66-1.30 nS in 1 M KCI. The single-channel conductance was a function of the mobilities of the ions present in the aqueous solution bathing the bilayer membrane. This means that FomA forms general diffusion channels since (a) the conductance showed a linear dependence on the salt concentration, (b) the ion selectivity was small and varied for the three strains, and (c) the channels did not exhibit any binding site for maltotriose or triglycine. The water-filled channel was voltage dependent, and conductance decrements were observed at transmembrane potentials of t 50 mV. The conductance decrement steps were about one-third of the total conductance of a functional unit in its fully 'open' state. This strongly suggests that the trimer is the functional unit of the porin.Keywords: FomA porin; Fusobacteriurn nucleatum; lipid bilayer membrane; voltage-gating; ion channel.The outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria exhibits some unique properties that distinguish it from other biological membranes. In particular, it serves as a barrier, allowing passive diffusion of hydrophilic molecules smaller than a given size. The major route of uptake of such substances is due to a class of pore-forming proteins called porins (1, 21. Most general diffusion porins studied to date form trimers in the membrane with an apparent monomer molecular mass in the range 30-48 kDa. These porins are noncovalently associated both with the lipopolysaccharide and the peptidoglycan layer. The native state of the porins is usually relatively stable towards high temperature and detergents [ 2 , 31. The porins constitute a characteristic class of membrane proteins in that their transmembrane segments are P-pleated strands with an apparently random distribution of polar amino acid residues. Within the transmembrane segments, the charged amino acids are separated by an odd number of residues, thus creating an amphipathic P-barrel with a hydrophilic interior [l]. Most are heat modifiable as revealed by SDS/PAGE, i.e. denatured monomers migrate with a higher molecular mass than the native monomers and a smaller molecular mass than the tri...