Residue hydrocracking catalysts containing 0%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and
30% of a nonconventional
alumina component that has very large (0.1−100 μm) macropores (MAP)
were prepared. Their
performance was compared with a commercial bimodal catalyst that was
used as a standard.
When compared to the standard reference catalyst and the other MAP
catalysts, the 15%
macropore (MAP) alumina catalysts produced greater +525 °C
conversion, greater yields of
distillates, and greater total product HDS, HDN, HDM, and MCR
conversions. The +525 °C
conversions of several MAP catalysts exceeded that obtained in a
thermal experiment without a
catalyst. This indicates that the properties of a residue
hydrocracking catalyst can enhance
conversions beyond that obtained by thermal reactions alone. All
of these effects were correlated
with the mesopore surface area of the used catalysts. This was the
surface area of the catalyst
in its working state which was contained in pores large enough for
residue molecules to enter.
For the cracking reaction (+525 °C conversion) the presence of
macropores in the catalyst
diminished the influence of diffusion, so that the MAP catalyst results
correlated with surface
area. For the hydrogenation reaction (H/C ratio) the MAP catalyst
results also correlated with
surface area. However, catalysts with micropores produced larger
H/C ratios. Hydrogen,
dissociated in the micropores, may have reacted with small hydrogen
transfer molecules
(naphthalene − tetralin) which may have transferred the hydrogen to
residue molecules outside
of the micropores. The additional hydrogenation in micropores may
have compensated for
diffusional restrictions. For the MAP catalysts, the other
reactions HDS, HDM, and MCR
conversion, showed the same trends as the H/C ratio, suggesting that
hydrogenation was the
rate-limiting step for these reactions.