In this paper, selected magnesium, zinc and iron biodegradable alloys were studied as prospective biomaterials for temporary medical implants like stents and fixation devices for fractured bones. Mechanical properties of the alloys were characterized with hardness and tensile tests. In-vitro corrosion behavior was studied using immersion tests in a simulated physiological solution (SPS, 9 g/L NaCl) to roughly estimate the in-vivo biodegradation rates of implants. It was found that the Mg and Zn alloys were limited by a tensile strength of 370 MPa, while the tensile strength of the Fe alloys achieved 530 MPa. The main advantage of the Mg alloys is that their Young's modulus of elasticity is similar to that of the human bone. However, the corrosion tests revealed that the Mg-based alloys showed the highest corrosion rates in the SPS, ranging between 0.6 mm and 4.0 mm per year, which is above the tolerable degradation rates of implants. The corrosion rates of the Zn alloys were between 0.3 mm and 0.6 mm per year and the slowest corrosion rates of approximately 0.2 mm per year were observed for the Fe alloys.The results indicate that all three kinds of alloys meet the mechanical requirements for the load-bearing implants. From the corrosion-behavior point of view, the Zn-and Fe-based "slowly corroding" alloys appear as promising alternatives to the Mg-based alloys. Keywords: biodegradable metal, magnesium, zinc, iron, mechanical properties, corrosion lanek obravnava {tudij izbranih magnezijevih, cinkovih in`elezovih potencialnih biorazgradljivih zlitin kot obetajo~ih biomaterialov za za~asne medicinske vsadke, kot so opornice in pripomo~ki za utrjevanje zlomljenih kosti. Mehanske lastnosti zlitin so bile dolo~ene z merjenjem trdote in z nateznimi preizkusi. Korozijski preizkusi in vitro so bili izvr{eni s pomakanjem v simulirano fiziolo{ko raztopino (SPS, 9 g/L NaCl) za grobo oceno in vivo hitrosti biorazgradnje implantatov. Ugotovljeno je, da so zlitine Mg in Zn omejene z natezno trdnostjo 370 MPa, medtem ko je natezna trdnost Fe-zlitin dosegla 530 MPa. Glavna prednost Mg-zlitin je v podobnem Young-ovem modulu elasti~nosti, ki je podoben kot pri~love{ki kosti. Vendar pa so korozijski preizkusi pokazali pri zlitinah na osnovi Mg najve~je korozijske hitrosti v SPS, med 0,6 mm in 4,0 mm na leto, kar je nad dopustno hitrostjo degradacije implantata. Korozijske hitrosti Zn zlitin so bile med 0,3 mm in 0,6 mm na leto, najni`je hitrosti korozije, okrog 0,2 mm na leto, pa so bile opa`ene pri Fe-zlitinah. Rezultati so pokazali, da vse tri vrste zlitin ustrezajo mehanskim zahtevam za obremenjene implantate. S stali{~a korozijskega vedenja so zlitine na osnovi Zn in Fe "zlitine s po~asno korozijo" in se ka`ejo kot obetajo~e nadomestilo za zlitine na osnovi Mg.