BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 13 SEPTEMBER 1975 621 leprosum has been suspected but not proved to be the cause of nephritic changes. Recently Drutz and Gutman have published a detailed study on the specific relation of glomerulonephritis to type 2 reaction in lepromatous leprosy,' 9 and our findings are in accordance with their conclusions and those of others20 21 on the role of immune-complex deposition in glomerular basement membranes and capillary walls. The occurrence of bacilli in relation to the juxtaglomerular apparatus must be rather unusual, and though bacilli have been found in necropsy studies, and also in biopsy specimens,2 kidney parenchyma is not usually invaded in this disease. The common association of cryoglobulinaemia with lepromatous leprosy has been described,23 and our finding of IgG and IgM in both glomeruli and the cryoglobulin suggests that they share a part in the pathogenesis of this glomerulonephritis. To our knowledge there are no published data relating the incidence of proteinuria or glomerulonephritis to that of serum cryoglobulins in leprosy, though this association has often been noted in other diseases. In conclusion the inverse relation between skin and joint manifestations in this syndrome seems to be worth further investigation, as are the effects of renal involvement on the prognosis for patients with lepromatous leprosy in reaction. Lancet, 1972, 2, 572. 10 Karat, A. B. A., et al., British Medical Journal, 1967 Manigrand, G., et al., Semaine des Hopitaux de Paris, 1969, 45, 543. 12 Ramu, G., and Balakrishnan, S., Leprosy in India, 1968, 40, 62. 13 Jopling, W. H., and Mehta, H. D., Leprosy Review, 1972, 43, 39. 14 Brusco, C. M., and Masanti, J. G., InternationalJournal of Leprosy, 1963, 31, 14. British Medical Journal, 1975, 3, 621-623 Summary Erythropoietic uroporphyria of Gunther was seen in a 58-year-old man who presented with photosensitivity, haemolytic anaemia, and classical laboratory findings. Family studies showed five asymptomatic relatives with erythrocyte uroporphyrin concentrations in the probable latent heterozygote range.