Raman spectroscopy is an important tool in understanding chemical components of various materials. However, the excessive weight and energy consumption of a conventional CCD-based Raman spectrometer forbids its applications under extreme conditions, including unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) and Mars/Moon rovers. In this article, we present a highly sensitive, shot-noise-limited, and ruggedized Raman signal acquisition using a time-correlated photon-counting system. Compared with conventional Raman spectrometers, over 95% weight, 65% energy consumption, and 70% cost could be removed through this design. This technique allows space-and UAV-based Raman spectrometers to robustly perform hyperspectral Raman acquisitions without excessive energy consumption. Comparing with other molecular-specific imaging techniques, Raman spectroscopy provides a label-free contrast mechanism, which is intrinsically induced by the molecules contained in the sample. Relying on internal properties of molecules, investigators can avoid complicated sample preparation processes and molecular-specific labeling, etc. In many imaging/sensing applications, Raman spectroscopy often provides superior molecular specificity, imaging speed, and spectral resolution, and is usually considered as an emerging imaging technique (8, 9). However, despite decades of intensive study, Raman spectroscopy is still not widely applicable in space-based detection systems including unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) and Mars/Moon rovers. This is mainly due to two hurdles: the unacceptable heavy weight of conventional spectrometers, and the excessive energy consumption by the entire system, especially the CCD camera.In typical laboratory-based Raman spectroscope setups, a beam of light is focused onto the sample. The scattered photons are then collected by a condenser lens and sent into a spectrometer. A diffractive grating is usually used to induce a spatial dispersion of the Raman peaks into different wavelengths. A CCD camera is used as the detector. In this sense, a correspondence between the CCD pixel and Raman shift can be established, and the Raman peaks are recognized and recorded.However, when extending this approach to field circumstances (e.g., space-based vehicles or UAVs), several key limitations emerge. First, due to the tiny angular dispersion provided by diffractive gratings, a long optical propagation length is required to create sufficient spatial dispersion. This is usually not allowed in space-based vehicles. Moreover, this long propagation length, together with any possible moving parts contained in the grating-based spectrometers, is unable to tolerate excessive vibrations during the launching/landing process of a space-based vehicle. Furthermore, the excessive energy consumption for the CCD cameras, especially for the cooling process, is usually not affordable by UAVs or spacebased vehicles/rovers. Finally, the weight of the spectrometer is also a problem (10-12).To overcome these difficulties, investigators invented and used several differe...