Study Objectives: To investigate the characteristics of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
positional patients (PP) phenotypes among different ethnic groups in the Multi-Ethnic Study
of Atherosclerosis (MESA) dataset. Moreover, we hypothesized the existence of a new OSA
PP phenotype we coined Lateral PP, for whom the lateral apneas hypopnea index (AHI) is
at least double the supine AHI.
Methods: From 2,273 adults with sleep information, we analyzed data of 1,323 subjects that
slept more than 4 hours and had at least 30 minutes of sleep in both the supine and the non-
supine positions. Demographics and clinical information were compared for the different PP,
and ethnic groups.
Results: 861 (65.1%) patients had OSA and 35 (4.1%) were Lateral PP. Lateral PP patients
were mainly females (62.9%), obese (31.4 median body mass index), had mild to moderate
OSA (94.3%), and mostly were non-Chinese American (97.1%). Among all OSA patients, 550
(63.9%) were Supine PP, and 17.7% were supine-isolated OSA (siOSA). Supine PP and Lateral
PP were present in 73.1% and 1.0% of Chinese Americans, 61.0% and 3.4% of Hispanics,
68.3% and 4.7% of White-Caucasian, and 56.2% and 5.2% of Black-African American OSA
Conclusion: Chinese-American have the highest prevalence of Supine PP, whereas Black-
African American patients lean towards less Supine PP and higher Lateral PP. Lateral PP
appears as a novel OSA phenotype. However, it was found for a small group of OSA patients
and thus, its presence should be further validated.
Keywords: Positional obstructive sleep apnea (POSA), positional patients (PP), Positional
Therapy, Lateral PP, OSA ethnicity and MESA.