A formula for the jumping numbers of a curve unibranch at a singular point is established. The jumping numbers are expressed in terms of the Enriques diagram of the log resolution of the singularity, or equivalently in terms of the canonical set of generators of the semigroup of the curve at the singular point.The jumping numbers of a curve on a smooth complex surface are a sequence of positive rational numbers revealing information about the singularities of the curve. They extend in a natural way the information given by the log-canonical threshold, the smallest jumping number (see [3] for example). They are periodic, completely determined by the jumping numbers less than 1, but otherwise difficult to compute in general, even if a set of candidates is easy to provide, cf. [9, Lemma 9.3.16].The aim of this paper is to give a formula for the jumping numbers of a curve unibranch at a singular point. A curve C will be said to be unibranch at a point P , if the analytic germ of C at P is irreducible. The formula is expressed in terms of the Enriques diagram associated to the singularity, or equivalently (see Theorem 3.1) in terms of a minimal set of generators (β 0 , β 1 , . . . , β g ) of the semigroup S(C, P ) of C at P :where the m j are defined below. HereThe semigroup is defined by S(C) = {ord P s | s ∈ O C,P }, the order of the local section s being computed using a normalization of C. It is finitely generated and a minimal set of generators (β 0 , β 1 , . . . , β g ) is constructed as follows (see [13, Theorem 4.3.5]): β 0 is the least element of S(C); set m 1 = β 0 ; β j is the least element of S(C) not divisible by m j and m j+1 = gcd(m j , β j ).To prove (1) we use the notion of relevant divisors of the minimal log resolution of C at P , notion introduced in [12], and previously in [6] from the point of view of valuations corresponding to Puiseux exponents: a relevant divisor is an irreducible exceptional divisor that intersects at least three other components of the total transform of C through the resolution. When C is unibranch at P , we show that the relevant divisors account for all the jumping numbers. This is the content of Proposition 2.5 and represents the key step of the proof. In 1